«The Loop Of World Creation» Digital EP 2015

Metal Blast

Although released last year in Russia, this baby is doing the press circuit this year so, why not?

Opening with a piano intro, Drunknroll know exactly how to make you guess their genre before even a single riff gets started. It’s melodic death metal as far as the eye can see (as demonstrated by their choice of In Flames’ “Minus” to close the release), with a heavy emphasis placed in the atmosphere. It’s keyboards reminiscent of Children of Bodom and riffs that bring you back to the heavier days of Arch Enemy.

As melodic death metal releases go, this one does like to step outside of the box. From a few dubstep-ish seconds in “The Loop of World Creation,” to a glimpse of what sounds like a eurodance moment in “Below.” These aren’t long moments, nor do they hurt the song that contains them; they seem to simply be curiosities, added by people with a pleasure for trying different things. The same thing goes for the choruses, sometimes coming off as a bit of a chant by a weird death-metal choir. Truly amazing stuff.

Considering that their vocal style differs quite a bit, I was curious about how they’d be able to tackle In Flames‘ “Minus.” It’s a curious choice for a band that, despite sharing the Swedes’ (former) genre, don’t really sound like them. Holy shit was I wrong to doubt them. It’s a terrific tribute to one of the most important bands of the Stockholm scene and, most importantly, a testament to the versatility and skill of Druknroll.

If you’re up for something different, yet familiar, give these guys a try. They absolutely deserve your love.


J (Metal Blast)


Dutch Metal Maniac

Hailing from Russia, Druknroll play modern heavy metal with influences from all sides of metal. This EP called The Loop Of World Creation contains two new songs and a cover of In Flames’ Minus. It is released on July 16th.

When this EP start, you’ll hear a bit of piano music, but soon guitars and drums will come by. Druknroll know how to make their music special. Symphonic background and heavy instruments over it. Sometimes they even sounds a bit progressive in their way of playing and through the structure of the songs. Vocally they switch from clean singing to heavy grunts/growls. While you should think that singing in English will help you get bigger, Druknroll sings in their mother tongue, Russian. It takes a while to get used to it, but it is not annoying that, in my case, I don’t understand it. Sometimes it just doesn’t fit, but this does fit.

Go listen to Druknroll’s The Loop Of World Creation.

Tim van Velthuysen (Dutch Metal Maniac)


The True Bringer Of Death Zine

Druknroll are a band from Russia that has been featured before in this zine and pays a mixture of melodic metal, hard rock and death metal and this is a review of their 2015 ep “The loop of All Creation” which was released by Metal Scrap Records.

Dark sounding keyboards start off the ep and they use a variety of many different sounding keys and also mix in with the heavy guitars that kick in a few seconds later and after awhile aggressive yet melodic melodic vocals and death metal growls make their presence known on the recording and the riffs also use a great amount of melody.

Elements of modern groove metal can be heard in the bands musical style and you can also hear all of the musical instruments that are present on the recording and you can still hear elements of traditional metal and hard rock in the bands musical style and the music sticks mostly to a mid paced direction while some fast parts can be heard and they close the ep with a cover of In Flame’s “Minus”.

Druknroll continue the melodic metal, hard rock and death metal mixture of previous recordings while also going into more of a heavier musical direction this time around, the production sounds very professional while the lyrics are written in Russian and cover real life themes.

In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Druknroll and if you are a fan of this band, you should enjoy this ep. RECOMMENDED TRACK “Minus”.


OccultBlackMetal (The True Bringer Of Death Zine)



Gelukkig bestaat er zoiets als een copy-paste-functionaliteit anno 2015 anders had ik meer tijd besteed aan het op een juiste manier overtypen van de titel van deze EP dan de beluistering van deze drie tracks.

Drie volledige langspelers bracht het Russische Druknroll tot op heden. Diens tweede uitbarsting werd een aantal jaar geleden besproken door collega Bart. Een magere score voor een band die genoeg potentie werd toebedeeld. Op basis van deze drie nummers, eigenlijk zijn het er slechts twee (Minus is een In Flames-cover), kan ik maar moeilijk een inschatting maken of en in hoeverre deze heren met de belachelijke bandnaam ook daadwerkelijk progressie hebben gemaakt. Het klinkt allemaal best oké, maar echt orgineel wordt het nergens. Op basis van deze twee nummers is mijn interesse niet echt gewekt: de moderne aandoende melodieuze metal met meer thrash- dan deathinvloeden doet mij maar weinig. Neem daarbij dat de In Flames-cover van het nog enigszins redelijke album Reroute To Remain (prima Anders Fridén-imitatie overigens) het meest blijft hangen en de oplettende lezer weet genoeg. Een nieuwe (volledige) plaat, een nieuwe kans?

Dirk de Boer (zwaremetalen.com)



Avevo conosciuto i russi Drunkroll con il loro interessante secondo album “On the knife blade” risalente al 2012; l’anno scorso il mezzo passo falso di “Boiling point” ed il percorso prosegue con questo EP intitolato “The loop of world creation”, altro grosso passo indietro a livello qualitativo, oltre che dotato di una copertina scadente. Se, infatti, il lavoro di 3 anni fa lasciava intravedere margini di miglioramento, mischiando stilemi heavy metal con thrash e soprattutto prog, questa volta la definizione di “modern metal” ci sta tutta, ma nella peggiore delle sue accezioni. Chitarre pompate all’eccesso, voce spesso urlata con abuso di growling brutale che disturba notevolmente e spesso semplicemente non c’entra nulla con la canzone (come in “Below”), sound che sa di già sentito innumerevoli volte senza avere capacità di incidere, coinvolgere o semplicemente infondere energia (il che nello specifico settore è imprescindibile!). Dispiace, dispiace tantissimo soprattutto ricordando che band promettente avevo ascoltato solo 3 anni fa, mentre adesso mi ritrovo un clone inefficace di tante, troppe altre bands più famose. Emblematica in tal senso, la scelta di coverizzare un brano degli In Flames, “Minus”, estratto da quel controverso “Reroute to remain” che ha iniziato il declino della mitica band svedese; ecco i Drunkroll sembrano una brutta copia degli In Flames degli ultimi pessimi lavori. La formazione è rimasta invariata ancora una volta, ma forse i Drunkroll avrebbero bisogno di un cantante degno di tal nome (pur se Horror non canta male, quando non si dà al brutal growling) o, in alternativa, dovrebbero indurire ancora di più il loro sound, magari dandosi al metalcore, perché adesso non sono né carne e né pesce, ma semplicemente una copia sbiadita di tante altre bands più rinomate. Che peccato!


Ninni Cangiano (allaroundmetal.com)



Nuovo ep di due brani più la cover di Minus degli In Flames è quello che ci propongono i russi Druknroll, nati come progetto solista del musicista che dà il nome alla band una decina di anni fa.

Carriera che fila liscia come l’olio con una già nutrita discografia( di questi tempi) che comprende un primo singolo nel 2007 e tre full length, “Brownian Motion” del 2010, “On The Knife Edge” del 2012 e l’ultimo “Boiling Point” uscito lo scorso anno.

The Loop Of World Creation, interrompe la fila di album lunghi e la band si presenta più in forma che mai con questi tre ottimi brani.

Partiamo dalla fine, cioè dall’ottima cover di Minus, tratta da “Reroute To Remain” degli In Flames, band che è una delle maggiori influenze del gruppo russo, insieme a molti dei gruppi storici del melodic death metal scandinavo.

I due brani inediti si inseriscono nel filone metallico nord europeo, anche se i Druknroll hanno dalla loro un’ottima predisposizione per melodie sintetiche, inserite in brani grintosi e aggressivi ma molto melodici.

Ritmiche che sfiorano il thrash, solos metallici e sinfonie prog/alternative, fanno da ossatura al sound creato dai Druknroll, che piace e si fa ascoltare, grazie anche alla buona alternanza tra growl e clean vocals.

La title track e Below sono un ottimo biglietto da visita per chi non conoscesse il gruppo dell’est, che ha trovato un piacevole ibrido convogliando nella propria musica note ed atmosfere provenienti da i già citati In Flames, Dark Tranquillity (le songs hanno un alone dark proprio della band di Stanne) e Soilwork.

Ep di soli tre brani che sicuramente porterà i Druknroll verso un nuovo full-length, nel frattempo se vi interessa conoscerli meglio potete sempre riscoprire un buon lavoro come l’ultimo “Boiling Point” dello scorso anno.

Alberto Centenari(.iyezine.com)


Druknroll - modern metal